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Your Subscription
The next payment amount and date of new billing charge and options for your subscription will be displayed here.
Switch To Monthly/Yearly
Change the billing frequency from monthly to yearly or yearly to monthly.
Cancel A Subscription
Cancel the paid subscription and prevent future charges.
Billing Plans
We offer multiple Account Plans to provide diverse options of features for different types of owners and à la carte device pricing.
Account Plans
Receive email or text alerts for example when a door is unlocked.
Event History
Number of days in the past events will be available.
Power Features
Advanced features such as groups, mass access assignment, and event reports.
Account Admins
Number of members created that have permissions to administer devices in your account.
Partner Integrations
Integrate with your listings on Airbnb and HomeAway.
ACS Plan
Access users with ACS door access
Number of access users and access guests that have active access to ACS doors.
Device Pricing
Due to the lack of internet communication between the lock and the portal, we do not charge any fees for the use of the RL2000 and RL4000 models. Additional fees for features of the account still apply.
WiFi Lock, Thermostat, Power Plug
We charge a flat $.99 fee per internet connected WiFi lock, thermostat, and power plug registered to the account.
Why do we charge fees?
Nobody likes fees. We get it.
Despite this fact, there are many costs involved in bringing this software service to our customers. Much like the cell phone industry, there are costs associated with the hardware (the cell phone in this example), as well as costs with providing the ongoing service (the cell phone network).
In our case, there is also a hardware component (connected door locks & other devices), as well as ongoing service (communication with devices & software maintenance). There is significant cost involved with hosting and maintaining the cloud servers, data exchanged between devices and customer accounts, and the development and maintenance of the cloud software applications. In some cases we have separated out some of the more costly features for us to provide so that we can offer lower-cost options for those not needing those features.
Additionally, our developers are constantly upgrading the application so that our customers can take advantage of useful new features.
Credit and Debit Cards
Multiple credit and debit cards may be added to the account.
Add Card
Add a new credit or debit card to the account.
Make Default
Change the default card that is charged for billing subscriptions to the selected card.
Delete Card
Remove the credit or debit card from the account. You are not able to remove the "Default" card from the account. You must assign another card the "Default" status by selecting "Make Default" on another card first.